As the name suggests, SoundVision is a tool to see sound. In other words, it is a real-time sound analyzer.
Requirements --------
SoundVision requires the followings:
- 68030, 68LC040, 68040, or PowerPC.
- Sound input device (i.e. microphone).
- 256-color or 256-gray mode monitor.
- System booted in 32-bit addressing mode.
- System 7.0 or above (7.5 suggested).
- 192K of FREE memory (not the total memory).
- Enough space on screen to place SoundVision's window.
Distribution --------
SoundVision is distributed as a FREEWARE. It means you don't have to worry about paying fee for using it (of course, you can pay for it). You can copy it and use it as much as you like, but YOU MAY NOT SELL, RENT, OR ALTER IT! Hand-by-hand distribution and uploading to BBS or FTP sites are basically free, however, IF YOU WANT TO INCLUDE SOUNDVISION IN ANY MEDIA (e.g. floppy, CD-ROM, MO) THAT YOU ARE GOING TO PUBLISH, PLEASE GET PERMISSION FROM ME (THE AUTHOR) BEFORE!
Setting SoundVision Up ========
Setting Up Your Mac for SoundVision --------
- If your system is currently running under 24-bit addressing mode, turn on 32-bit addressing mode in Memory control panel and restart your computer.
- Set your screen to 256-color/gray mode.
Setting Up Input Device --------
SoundVision has its own recording preferences. Every time you start up SoundVision, it sets options of your input device to the preference. You may find the default preference does not fit to your environment. In that case, you can customize it by doing followings :
- Choose Recording Preferences... from Options menu.
- In the dialog, choose sampling frequency, sound source, AGC, play-through that you want to use in SoundVision.
CAUTION : SoundVision DOES NOT support 16-bit sampling size and stereo sampling. You can still set input options to 16-bit stereo, although you will not get correct result.
- Click Save as Default button.
- Click OK button.
Having a Fun ========
Running SoundVision --------
- Double-click SoundVision’s icon.
- Move SoundVision’s window so that NO part of it is hidden by other window and / or edges of monitor.
Changing Displays --------
Display Types ---
SoundVision has 4 display types :
- Spectrum Analyzer
Shows spectrum of sound. Spectrum is a graphical way of showing how we hear. It shows power (loudness, Y-axis) of frequencies (pitches, X-axis) that are mixed in sound.
- Oscilloscope
Shows waveform of sound.
- Composite
Shows waveform and spectrum of sound at the same time.
- Spectrogram
Shows spectrum of sound. The difference between spectrogram is that power is shown by color, and X-axis shows time.
You can choose one of them from Display menu.
Display Labels ---
Display labels are little tags and numbers on X and Y axis on the display. In Spectrum Analyzer, X labels shows frequency of sound in Hertz, and Y labels shows power of sound. In Oscilloscope, Y labbls shows power of sound.
You can choose either show or hide the display labels. Labels don’t take up any extra CPU time, but they take up extra space on your screen. If you want to hide them, choose Labels from Display menu so that the menu item is not checked and labels are not there.
Display Options --------
All the display options are listed under sub-menus of Options menu. You can customize SoundVision by changing display options.
Spectrum Analyzer ---
- Linear Frequency Scale / Logarithmic Frequency Scale
It determines how frequencies of spectrum are plotted on the display. Linear scale is based on frequency of sound, and logarithmic scale is based on pitch of sound. In another word, logarithmic scale is based on how we hear the difference in pitches of sound. I think most people feel comfortable with logarithmic scale, and linear scale is only useful in the lab.
By the way who said it is logarithmic scale? I found formula for this scale with my little scientific calculator, and I couldn’t get correct one if there is log function in it. The formula that SoundVision is using has NO log function in it. Instead, there are powers of 2. So I call it Exponential or Natural (because it fits perfectly with my sense) rather than Logarithmic.
Logarithmic scale takes a tiny bit of extra CPU time.
- Slow Decrement
You will find that there are real annoying flickers in spectrum, especially if you are using logarithmic scale. This option slows down decrement of spectrum and eliminates the flicker. It also gives display some smoothness.
You can change amount of slow decrement under Decrement Amount....
Slow Decrement takes a bit of extra CPU time, but since it eliminates flickers, usually it speeds up SoundVision.
- Spectrum Reduction
Sometimes when recorded sound is real loud, all the frequencies of spectrum reach the top of display and it becomes unable to read. This option reduces spectrum and make them fit within the display. You can change the amount of reduction under Reduction Amount....
Spectrum Reduction requires NO extra CPU time since no reduction is regarded as 1/1.
- 128-Point FFT / 256-Point FFT
It determines resolution of spectrum. 256-point FFT gives you more detailed spectrum, but takes more CPU time.256-point FFT is too hard for 68030 Macs. If your Mac has 68LC040 or 68040, he/she will do a good job on 256-point FFT. Choose them depending on your Mac’s performance.
- Color
I understand some people hate a certain color and some love it. If you don’t like color of spectrum, you can choose it under Choose Color....
Even if you really love black, don’t choose it or you will be unable to see the spectrum!
Oscilloscope ---
- Color
" (same as above).
Be careful. Don’t choose the same or too close color as Spectrum Analyzer since they will interfere each other in Composite display.
Spectrogram ---
- Grayscale / Rainbow Colors
Choose one of the sets of colors that you like more.
Other Stuff --------
Faster Mode ---
Sometimes if there’s many applications running behind SoundVision, they slow down SoundVision. In that case, Choose Faster Mode from File menu. SoundVison will go on faster mode, which disables all the background processes except VBL and Time Manager tasks and make CPU concentrate on SoundVision. You can exit from Faster Mode by clicking mouse.
Copying Display ---
By choosing Copy from Edit menu, you can copy the display (including labels). You can then paste it on documents as a normal picture.
Measuring SoundVision’s Speed ---
You can measure how fast SoundVision is doing its work. Choose Measure Speed from Special menu, wait for 2 minutes or so, and click mouse. SoundVision then gives you benchmark report.
The data in the report that you might want to look at is Performance. It shows what proportion of sound is analyzed and displayed completely. Of cource, higher is better, but don’t be too strict on it. ±2% doesn’t give much difference, so if the report says 99%, regard it as 100%.
Another data that is important is Frames / Second. Have you ever seen any sound analyzer that analyzes spectrum of sound with a rate of 35-40 FPS on a Mac IIsi? If you have, PLEASE let me know!
Blah Blah Blah ========
I would like to know how you think about SoundVision. If you have any comments for SoundVision, please send me a mail. I appreciate ANY comments!
My address : hajime@singnet.com.sg
References ========
General : THINK Reference
Assembly Language : Panos E. Livadas, Christopher Ward